Why do some AG Bloggers disappear off their blog because they stop making new posts?


       Why do some AG Bloggers disappear off their blog because they stop making new posts?

I always wonder why some AG Bloggers here on Blogger leave or disappear. It is so upsetting when they make great posts on their blog and then they stop publishing new posts. And you then start to comment and comment and they sadly never reply to you. I would never do this ever to anyone on this blog I would say why I left or write a goodbye post for example. Anyways one day I came across a good AG Blog here on blogger called AG News n Views. I noticed that the owner of blog Rebecca didn't publish a single new post since like 2013! I noticed a very strange trend with people leaving or disappearing off AG Blogs that a lot of them happened during 2012 to 2015. That is when a lot of AG blogs here on blogger became inactive or the owners leaving or disappearing off their blog. 

And here is the link to AG News N Views: American Girl News n' Views (agnewsnviews.blogspot.com)

Another AG blog that I also like called Rainbow Gymnast Ag's Official Blog. It is inactive also since 2013: rainbowgymnastAG's Official Blog

Someday I wish all AG Bloggers that left or disappeared off their blog come back and write a post explaining why they left or if they still like dolls. 

Why do you think people leave AG Blogs? Please comment down below.

Ok Bye! (Don't worry I am not ever going to leave or disappear off of here without telling you guys.)

- Grace


  1. Well I understand that school and jobs can get in the way of blogging, but its not just AG Bloggers. Everyday blogs close because the people blogging do have a life aside, but the least they can do is write a goodbye post. Maybe it was unexpected to leave, sooo.... yeah.

    1. Thank you for commenting here Isabella I hope you like this blog. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    2. And I guess you are right life does sometimes get in the way of blogging.

  2. I think for most people it's either a case of life getting too hectic (blogging and doing it well is a lot of work) or they lose interest in the subject. I think the reason so many blogs went inactive (and unfortunately continue to do so :( ) is thanks to Instagram. It's a much easier way to post for some people who want to keep going, but not spend as much time with it. I'm not a fan of it personally, but I know of MANY bloggers who have continued that way.

    1. I think Instagram is another reason why blogs go inactive. Thanks for commenting here Flo.

    2. So sad when bloggers leave๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    3. It is sad, and I agree with you that it would be nice if they just did a farewell post to let you know what happened that made them quit. I know if I ever decide to quit doing mine, I would definitely let my readers know. It's just a nice, courteous thing to do for those who have supported you.

    4. Exactly. I would make a goodbye post if I would leave this blog as well because followers need to know.


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