Some American Girl Updates


                                                      Some American Girl Updates

Hi and today I am going to give you all some updates about American Girl and my Blog.

Update 1: In the summer I might do a American Girl Online Camp here on my blog. This camp is going to be for FREE and here on my blog. So far I only decided on the name which is going to be: "AG Adventure Camp" and that it will happen after my AG book club ends. My AG book club will end sometime in July. I need some ideas though so please comment down below about: Ideas, Crafts, Activities, and more. 

Update 2: American Girl was supposed to rerelease retired Historical Dolls today but it has been delayed to May 4. The dolls they were supposed to rerelease were Samantha, Kirsten, Molly, Felicity for American Girl's 35th-anniversary. That is very disappointing because I was so exited to see Molly being rereleased

Update 3: I am going to make a Felicity AG Movie Review next week. So check back often. ๐Ÿ˜Š

For Week 11 at the AG Book Club we are reading: Josefina Sunlight and Shadows: josefina-sunlight-and-shadows.pdf (

Ok Bye-Grace๐Ÿค—


  1. This sounds so fun, Grace! I LOVE the name — I love adventure ๐Ÿ˜

    1. Thanks I like adventure too. So any great ideas you have for this camp.

  2. That is so cool Grace! I'll let you know if I'll have any ideas for this camp!

    1. Thank you๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜„

    2. Ok I can't wait to hear some of your ideas for camp.

  3. That is a great idea to start the camp. I hope they rerelease Samantha's ice cream parlour I always wanted that set it is so realistic. However, it is a really big set and they are probably just releasing those dolls and a few accessories.

    1. Yes I agree they are probably going to just rerelease those accessories and dolls. I also like Samantha's Ice Cream parlour it looks very cool and has so much Ice cream in it. So do you have any Idea's for my AG Adventure Summer Camp?

    2. Also do you like my new profile picture or do you think it is weird?

  4. I do like your profile. Also I do not have any ideas yet for the summer camp but if I do get an idea I will comment it on here.


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