Camp Kira AGSM Series from American Girl!

                                      Camp Kira AGSM Series from American Girl!

Hi everyone! Here are some YouTube links to the new AG Camp Kira videos. 

Video 1: @American Girl Doll Crafts | How to Draw a Cute Koala on Pebble Art! | CAMP KIRA - YouTube

Video 2: CAMP KIRA DIY Rhinestones Pouch Purse! | Mother's Day Surprise | DOLL DIY | @American Girl - YouTube

Video 3: CAMP KIRA How to Stay Organized & Focused for Online Learning! | DOLL DIY | @American Girl - YouTube

Video 4: American Girl DIY | Make Musical Instruments from Recycled Materials | CAMP KIRA | @American Girl - YouTube

Video 5: @American Girl Doll Crafts | Father's Day DIY! Mod Podge Photo Art & Wood Coasters | CAMP KIRA - YouTube

Video 6: @American Girl Doll Crafts | GLAMPING! Eco-Friendly Camp Decor & How to Fishtail Braid! | CAMP KIRA - YouTube

Video 7: @American Girl Doll Crafts | Kira Learns To Pamper Her Pet! DIY Pet Spa! | CAMP KIRA - YouTube

Video 8: @American Girl Doll Crafts | DIY 4th of July! Confetti Crackers & Light Garland | CAMP KIRA - YouTube

I personally really like these videos the crafts look so fun and Kira's voice is very cute too.

For Week 14 at the AG Book Club we are reading: Troubles for Ceclie: Cecile_TroublesForCecile.pdf (

Ok Bye-Grace ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜


  1. I watched them they are great and I already made the koala pebble art. I love how American Girl creates an amazing scenery of the Australian bush, the crafts they make for the trees and plants and ground make it look so realistic.

    1. I wonder how AG makes all of those backgrounds for the catalogue photos or for their stop motions. And it so realistic as well.

    2. Wow I Completely love these videos The crafts were so cool!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    3. Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜‹I love these videos too my favorite one has to be the Pebble Art one.

    4. And wow 20 stars for this post!

  2. I wish that American Girl would make more of the Now vs Then stop motion episodes. Those are my favourite especially the one with Blaire and Maryellen.

    1. Yes those are my favorites too. I really wish they would make a Courtney 1986 vs 2021 and a Truly me doll.

  3. It would cool if they made one with Joss and Julie.

    1. I wish there can be a Camp Julie AGSM series from American Girl and on Camp Julie there can be some 1970s themed crafts like Courtney's Corner and Camp Kira. I also think it would be cool and awesome as well.

    2. Ya, that would be awesome but they probably won’t do it because Julie is not a new doll. Also AG is probably starting to work on stop motions for the new world by us collection which I am very excited for. Have you heard about the new world by us collection?

    3. I hear about the new line of dolls form American Girl Did you know that American Girl made a Kit Kittredge Game called Kit Mystery Challenge.

    4. No, I did not but it sounds cool!

    5. I know right. Sadly I can not play video games because parents do not allow. Also some people complained that the game Kit Mystery challenge it was hard to move around and it was boring.

    6. By some people i mean reviewers.

    7. You can play this Kit Mystery game for free. Here is the link:

  4. Love them!! Can't wait to see your next post!!

  5. I can’t believe it according with American Girl Doll News there is a rumour going around that they may retire Nanea. Luckily it is only a rumour. I doubt this rumour is true because she has only been out for not even 4 YEARS! I would be so sad if they stopped selling her she is my favourite historical and her collection and story is the best.๐Ÿ˜ญ

    1. I feel like they will retire Kit, Addy, Samantha, Josefina because there isn't any new items for them.

  6. I don't think there is any possibility of AG retiring Nanea because she is a new doll and she has been out for like 4 years so not that old doll. And it is only a rumor so it may not be true.

  7. I love Nanea's collection my favorite thing in it is her Family Market.

  8. I love her collection to I absolutely love her holuku dress it is so pretty but she might actually be cubed because I read that on another blog.

    1. Yes very sad that she may be cubed.

    2. I also like Nanea's Lunch set. It looks so cool and cute.

  9. Also I wish American Girl would release more pets especially dogs. I love dogs so much and I love learning about all dog breeds. It would be awesome if AG came out with these breeds for their truly me pet collection, a golden retriever (Tenney and Kailee had a golden retriever but they are retired now๐Ÿ˜ข), a pug, a Australian shepherd, a beagle, a St. Bernard, Great Pyrenees, a schnauzer and a English springer spaniel. Of course they would not make all of these but it would be awesome if they did. Especially if they made Makena own one of these breeds. She is my favourite new world by us character and I cannot wait for her to be released.

    1. I agree that AG should make all of these dog breeds for their doll dogs. I really want a golden retriever AG Dog. Maybe you should write AG an email and tell them these awesome ideas. Also a doll company called Our Generation sells doll dogs and cool furniture for dolls and other stuff. Most of my doll furniture and clothes come form Our Generation and they are very good quality but cheaper.

    2. Ya same with me I LOVE our generation. They make their stuff so detailed but very cheap and my closest AG shop is an hour away and Toysrus (they sell our generation) is only 20 minutes away. Do you have the OG school I got that set awhile ago from my grandma and I love it!

    3. No but I have a school desk and locker in my school room that is in my dollhouse.

    4. I love our generation to One of my favourite sets is the ice cream truck it is so detailed and comes with a lot of accessories and is not very pricey.

    5. Ooooo that is cool I always wanted an actual house for my dolls. Also I always wanted the locker set, I may get it for my birthday coming up. I am so excited for my birthday because we get to go to the American Girl store!!!๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

    6. Cool if you do go to the AG place please tell me what you did there and if you went the AG cafรฉ.

    7. We went there just a few days ago and we went to the American Girl cafe, it was awesome. Our AG place is in the mall so we went to a bunch of other stores on my birthday. We also went to the doll salon and I got a really cool braid for my Kira doll. Also I got Kiras tent and it is absolutely amazing and so detailed. I was not able to find the school lockers at the store but I did get the 35th anniversary Molly doll and she is so cute. I also got Joss’s cheer set for an awesome sale and Nanea‘s whole hula collection. By the way, I really recommend Kiras tent because her little chair is so cool.

    8. Sounds like you had so much fun at your AG Place Store. Wow so many new doll items and a Molly doll. She has such cute glasses and braids. I wish I had a AG Place Store near me because I live in Canada and my nearest store is like 1 hour away. It is very small and it doesn't have all of the Truly Me dolls and Historicals and not so many items for dolls as it is a very small store. Also there is no AG cafรฉ there is a doll salon though.

    9. Ya our American Girl store is smaller to. However, it is still really fun to go to, luckily I got a lot of money from my Grandma for my birthday. Our store is far away so we barely go there we mainly just order online from the AG website or Indigo.

    10. Yes same situation here with my store we mostly drive for 1 hour or so to the store or order form Indigo as it is in Canadian dollars and not US dollars like the AG website store is.

    11. I rarely go to my AG store as well.

  10. I hope you get the doll school locker.

  11. I also like the ice cream truck and I love all of the cute ice creams!!!


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